Phoenix Group is Selected and Exhibits at Thunderstorm Event

Phoenix Group was proud to be selected and exhibit at an event in November 2024 at the ‘Crucible’ in Fredericksburg, VA (Thunderstorm). The event was showcasing innovative solutions, in partnership with the U.S. Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL) and the other Military Services, to enhance the rapid deployment and sustainment of military forces in contested/remote environments.
The Phoenix Group team of Jesse Mauck, Stephen Clock and Jim Papageorge showcased an innovative product called (ARMS) Automated Rapid Manufacturing System. While this machine is still in the early stages of being developed it was very well received by all the attendees. ARMS is a mobile 5-axis CNC milling machine for on-demand, high-precision manufacturing at the point of need. ARMS is designed for deployment in remote or contested environments, overcoming limited access to replacement parts.
Phoenix Group has submitted a SBIR Phase 1 (Small Business Innovation Research) proposal to the U.S. Navy and has recently been selected for a U.S. Army SBIR Phase 1 project that will begin in Q1 of 2025.